Monday, September 15, 2008

Izzy Challenge #5

J. B. Winter, creator of the Izzy Challenge, sent 50 cartoonist, one from each state, an Izzy panel to complete. Izzy is a little mouse, and this book is a record of Izzy touring America. Each artist was sent a few guide lines, and given one month to complete an Izzy panel depicting something from their state.

It's one thing to come up with an idea like this, quite another to pull it off. Winter is one of the best at layout and design. He manages to get four panels per page, plus an outline of each state represented on the page, and the artists info for each panel. All this in a digest size book. This is a great little collectors item. Some of the contributing artist will be known to small press folks, others are at least new to me. Every contributor does a great job, and for a dollar how can you go wrong?

Available from J. B.Winter at PO Box 1814 Columbia MO.65205.