Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Collected John G. Miller 1990-1999

Black And White, Magazine size, $20.00, available through Spit and a Half distribution.
c/o John Porcellino P.O. Box 142 South Beloit, IL 61080
  Here is John's web site with full ordering instructions                                                                                 

If you consider yourself any kind of a small press comic collector, then this is a must have book.
John Miller is one of the most unique artists in all of small press. His work is filled with his personal demons.
On the back cover of the collection is a full color strip by John dated Sun. 29th of March 1970.Featuring Captain Zappa, a character that John still draws to this day. This strip has none of the sharp edges of Johns later style, but the dialog is much the same as his current strips.
On page one of the book is an illo by John that shows his remarkable design abilities.
And as we move into the book, the strips have a balance between art and word balloons. Note the lettering, it has the same style as the drawings.
However as the years go on the strips take on a different look. Gone is the lettering that mimicked the art style. He begins to use a more standard lettering, but note how the writing starts to crowd out the illustration in each panel.

The most recent example of John's work, (not included in the book) is from August of 2010. As you can see the writing has almost completely taken over from the cartooning.

I do not know where John Miller's work is headed in the future,  perhaps he will return to his earlier style. But if you want to preserve the style that makes him so different,  for yourself, you should purchase this book.

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