2009 is only a few days old, and I may have received the best comic of 2009 already! I am talking about Daniel Nauenburg's Playing Sims. Daniel sure knows how to produce a great comic, PS is a standard size comic with color covers and a grey scaled interior. Of course excellent production won't help if you don't have a good story, and Daniel does not disappoint.
His character Sid, may be my new favorite comic character. I'm sure you all have a mental picture of a video game geek, well that's Sid, just as you pictured him. Sid is just about out of money for his "Dew" habit, when he stumbles on to a video game contest featuring the "Sims" video game. Sid thinks with his gaming skills he can't lose, and will pick up some much needed cool cash. Enough said, buy the comic, as I said it is professional in every way, and like Sid you can't lose!
Playing Sims is available from DanialNauenburg at 13741 Mercado Dr Del Mar CA 920104, the cover price is 2.95