Friday, October 22, 2004


Half legal size/ 20 pages/ $ 2.00 / from Jeff Plotkin 1700 Gough St. #305 San Francisco, CA 94109

The cover says for mature readers, but I think that only means that young children just won't understand the humor. This issue comes out just in time to make a great Christmas gift. It includes one of the funniest versions of "The Night Before Christmas" that I have ever seen. If you are at all a fan of Will Elder you will get a kick out of all the little signs and things in the backgroud of each of the story panels.

To ad a little literary class to his small press comic, Jeff includes "A Page Torn Out of Hamlet" Something that I suppose Shakespear disgarded thinking it didn't work well in the story. WRONG!
Jeff proves it should have been left in!

Once again Jeff hits the mark with a very funny issue, be sure to send for a copy of this one before they are sold out!

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