Digest size/19 pages/ $1.00/ from: billy mckay PO Box 542 N. Olmsted, OH 44070 For a year or two whenever anyone purchased, or traded for a billy mckay comic, he would ask them to send him a drawing or an idea for a futuristic toaster. Well billy has collected all those drawings,and published them. Included are some names you may recognize like, Jeff Plotkin, Bruce Orr,Joeman, Tea Krulos, Chad Woody. And there are a number of other artists represented, not as well known, at least by me. Of course just like everything billy does, this turns out to be a lot of fun and well worth the price! Oh and by the way, look for me in there too!
Digest size # 62/ 28 pages / $2.00/ # 63/ 32 pages/ $2.50/ from: John Porcellino PO Box 170535 San Francisco, CA 94117 www.king-cat.net
If you have never experienced a John Porcellino comic, think of comics that are paired down to the simplest form possible, just short of stickmen. But please do not think that these are hurried scribbles. On the contrary, I am sure John puts a great deal of thought into each panel. He would have to in order for these comics to work. And with issue 63, John celebrates his 15th year of doing King-Cat. That's about four comics a year! Congratulations John! Issue 62 contains some news regarding John and Misun's move from Elgin Il to Denver Co. and thier marriage. The drawn stories in 62 depict incidents that the average person would gloss over during the day. But John is able to capture these seemingly insignificant moments in time with his cartooning, and share them them with those of us who don't take the time in our own lives to enjoy them. For instance in his four page wordless strip,"Trombones No.1" John asks the reader to "please read slowly" In #63 more news, as John and his wife Misun decide to move from Denver to San Francisco. Drawn stories in this issue include " The Bottle and Me" about John's bout with alcohol. " Barbers I have known" looking for that perfect barber, (always a difficult task). And "Mayfly Incident" a pesky bug gets in the house, and causes a somewhat sleepless night. King-Cat Comics and Stories is a Small Press classic series, I suggest buying all the issues you can get.
Digest Size / 20 pages each/ $1.00 per issue/ from: Usurp Toe Comics , 1711 E. Rawhide #114 Las Vegas, NV 89119-2753 usurptoe@cox.net members.cox.net/usurptoe
Finally I have a new internet provider and the connection speed is 100% better. Hopefully now I can update this blog on a more regular basis. I have received a number of comics recently so I do have a bit of a back log. So let's start with the four latest issues of Chaos. This is one artist who consistently gets his issues out in a very timely manner. As I think I may have mentioned in an earlier review, these are what I would call true underground comics. The subjects go from politics, to sports, to the entertainment world. Nothing is safe from Dave Gilbert's wrath. The comics are jammed with words that in some cases block all but the top of the head and eyes of some of the characters. Yet many panels are fully rendered. Dave skillfully uses gray scaling to give his comics just the right feel. All and all these are wild and fun for a mature audience, don't leave them around for your kids to pick up. If you like sarcastic, timely humor, I suggest you subscribe to Chaos, Dave has proven that his issues will be out consistently on time.
The reason this blog is not updated as often as I would like is due to my home dial up connection. I am not sure if my computer has a virus or the service is just bad. I have written numerouse reviews only to have the connection lost, or a Microsoft error come up, or the the speed of the connection being so slow that I can't stand to wait for things to update. So what I am going to do is post a list of new Small Press comics that I have received latley. I will post the title, page count, price, and purchase address. I will up date the list as I can, and hope that DSL will be available in my area soon. Watch for the list shortly.
Half legal size/ 20 pages/ $ 2.00 / from Jeff Plotkin 1700 Gough St. #305 San Francisco, CA 94109 happyfreakshow@hotmail.com
The cover says for mature readers, but I think that only means that young children just won't understand the humor. This issue comes out just in time to make a great Christmas gift. It includes one of the funniest versions of "The Night Before Christmas" that I have ever seen. If you are at all a fan of Will Elder you will get a kick out of all the little signs and things in the backgroud of each of the story panels.
To ad a little literary class to his small press comic, Jeff includes "A Page Torn Out of Hamlet" Something that I suppose Shakespear disgarded thinking it didn't work well in the story. WRONG! Jeff proves it should have been left in!
Once again Jeff hits the mark with a very funny issue, be sure to send for a copy of this one before they are sold out!
Wow it has been quite a while since my last post. I have and continue to have problems on the internet. Pages either load extremely slow or don't load at all! My computer may have a virus but I am not sure, because sometimes it is just fine. Anyway on to comics!
The cover of this comic is a collectors item in itself. You should buy this for the cover alone. The story by Sean Frost is a send up of the those old cult movies, "Reefer Madness" and "Night of the Living Dead" Sean combines them with a little "Village of The Giants" thrown in for good measure. Drawn by "Plastic Farm " creator Rafer Roberts, who seems to get better with each project he tackles. I am not sure they quite pull off the campyness that is required to make this work, but it does have all the elements it needs. A crazy laboratory professor, a grade school field trip to an eerie Agricultural Facility, and Beatniks at a local coffee house. Oh and of course ZOMBIES!!!! This comic is lots of fun, and as I said the cover alone is worth the price.
Digest size/ 16 pages/ $ 2.00/ Hand made covers/ From Larned Justin PO box 471 House Springs Mo 63051 candidcartoons@yahoo.com www.candidcartoon.com Well I guess it's okay to toot my own horn. Palm's Red is my latest comic, and for this one shot comic I invited a number of friends to submit work with a single theme. Each strip, story, or art work, was to use a play on words as the basis for the submission. The little book includes work by Joseph Shea, a long time small press writer, Jeff Plotkin( Happy Freak Show), Dale Martin ( Watusi The Talking Dog),Matt Dembicki ( Attic Wit) Billy McKay( Shot By a Ray Gun) And Matt Feazell( Hey Cynical Man)Oh and me of course!
You will just have to buy one to see how each of the artists tackled the "play on words"
Digest size/ 20 pages / Free / From: Usurp Toe Comix http://www.members.cox.net/usurptoe usurptoe@cox.net This is a wild one. Very reminiscent of the underground comix of the sixties and seventies. The first story is just nuts! Abe Lincoln is drafted by the Washington Bullets of the NBA. There is no describing this, you just have to read it. This comic has plenty of four letter words and potty humor. But there is something about this guys drawing style, who ever he is, that I like. The price is certainly right. I am not sure the web address above is working, And there is no snail mail address in the book. However I do know that it is from Las Vegas. By the way if anybody does find out who this comic is by, and his address let me know.
Half legalsize/ 20 Pages/ $2.00/ From: Jeff Plotkin 1700 Gough St. #305 , San Franscisco, CA 94109 happyfreakshow@hotmail.com
If you have missed the first four issues of Happy Freak Show, then you have missed one of the best small press comics currently being published. Number five continues Jeff's string of top notch comics. In this issue he brings us Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" illustrated as if it happened to the dude in the apartment next door to you. He also recreates an Aesop Fable titled. "The Old Man, The Little Boy and The Donkey". With a slightly different treatment of the moral of the story. Another strip gives the reader a little insight on what may have taken place at " The Last Supper". There are three more excellent strips drawn in Jeff's fine line cartooning style. While some artists rely on varied line weight to make their comics come alive, Jeff is able to achieve the same effect with his cross hatching and fine line work. This comic is highly recommended, and if you are a collector of small press comics, all of Jeff's comics should be in your collection!
Digest size/24 pages/ full color covers/ $2.50/ From: Brian Canini www.drunkencatcomics.com This issue features guest artist SimonMackie.I would have to say that the strips offered by Mackie are different, to put it mildly. Here is the intro to his first story; " Sometimes it got so cold out there-frozen out and isolated-that's the way I was twenty years ago in Sadogashima northern Japan. There was no reason for me to stay there, but I was scared of change-and I was right to be so...." The story is titled ' Ughujin" . Two other stories by Mr. Mackie are "Life in Tokyo" and " Round peg in a square hole". "Life in Tokyo" is a 6 panel page with the panels on the right in English, and the same panel on the left written in Japanese. "Round peg in a square hole" Features a reprobate Uncle who has a knack for barfing on folks to make a point.
Brian Canini's lone offering this time out is a Pirate story called "The Dead Sea" Brian mentions that this is one of his more personal works to date. And that it helped him get through a time in which he suffered from writers block.
Also included in this issue is the Drunken cat contest. People were invited to draw their version of the Drunken Cat logo. The grand prize was a poster featuring all of the Drunken Cat Comics characters, and a copy of Drunken Cat Presents. ( yours truly won) ( a very cool poster, it is now on the wall in my studio)
I guess I should explain what this blog is all about. If you are new to the world of Small Press Comics, first let me explain what Small Press Comics are.
Quite simply Small Press Comics are comics drawn, written, and published by people all over the world. They are not the slick super hero comics you see in the comic shops produced by DC or Marvel. The Comics that I will talk about here are produced for the love of the medium. Since there are no editors directing what the content has to be, you will find comics on every subject imaginable. Draftsman ship will vary as much as content, and the drafting skill may little to do with an excellent story .
These little books are usually only available from the artists themselves, so what a blog like this tries to do is help get the word out, and let people know about comics that are made for the love of making comics.
If you are a comic creator and you would like to see your comic reviewed here, just send a copy of the comic, or a copy of the cover with your own write up of the content ( limited to a couple of paragraphs) , And I will put it up in the order it is received. Send To:
Larned Justin
PO Box 471
House Springs, MO 63051
Stop by often comics will change one to two times a week.
Standard Comic book size/ 32 Pages/ $ 2.95 / From Rafer Roberts 1552 Creastview Ave. Hagerstown Md 21740 rafer@plasticfarm.com www.plasticfarm.com This issue of Plastic Farm is illustrated completely by Rafer. Previouse issues have featured guest artists. But to get the true feel of these stories about the character Chester, they need to be drawn by Rafer.
It helps to have read the first 5 issues of PF to get the feel of the story. Chester has had quite a rough childhood, so he began to write stories about a character called "The Kamikaze Kid". This issue is kind of a flash back of Chesters life, told as he sits in an Airport Bar.
Plastic Farm has recieved rave reviews since it's firrst issue. Although it is rather difficult to describe the story in a short review, the comic is well worth the price, and you will want to purchase all the issues when you get into the story.